What to do with non-winning lottery tickets online?

What happens when you do not win on the lottery? Does it mean that you have lost it all once your numbers do not match? Is there anything left for you? And what do you do with that non-winning lottery tickets, now that you have not won?

Many people think that once you have not won the lottery jackpot then everything is over. This is not true. There are a number of ways through which you can make use of your lottery tickets even after the draw is done. This means that you should not lose hope simply because you are left with non-winning lottery tickets.

Multiple draws

There is nothing much you can do as for this online but is worth mentioning. When it comes to lottery tickets you can do multiple draws on the same ticket. However, it is important to understand how this works. In this case, it means if you lose on one draw you can use your ticket on the next one.

The only way you can make this happen is by buying a ticket that can qualify you for multiple draws. This means that you will have to pay extra and register it for multiple draws. It gives you better chances to win. However, if you have not paid for this option then you are not eligible for any other draws.

Second Chance for non-winning lottery tickets

In other cases, you may find yourself wondering what will happen when you did not pay for multiple draws and you have not won on the current draw. Does this mean that it is all over? The answer is NO. You have a second chance.

Most of the lottery games have states involved. As a result, you are offered a second chance. There are very few people who know about this option. As a result, very few people contribute and the majority lose hope as soon as they realize that they have not won in the current draw.

States offering second chances for non-winning lottery tickets

Here are just a few states that offer second chance on a lottery and how they do it. You will find some to be different from others.


For Ohio, you will be winning rewards from their MyLotto Rewards program. They also have a process through which you can get into this. You must create an account on their website. Then you will be required to enter the details of your non-winning ticket to get into entries into their promotion.


When it comes to California, there two options in which you can make use of your non-winning lottery tickets. The first one is that you can submit your non-winning ticket and stand a chance to win on their promotion.

The second option is that they accept scratch-offs for a second chance. When you submit numbers on your scratch-off you get a chance into another draw and you can win cash prizes.

New Jersey

New Jersey will give you some options where the first one is a second chance on your non-winning lottery tickets. In this case, you will also be required to enter codes on your non-winning tickets. This one gets you a chance for winning up to $50,000 in a month.

The second one is a chance to use your scratch-offs to get into a draw. All you have to do is make sure that you sign into this program through the VIP club. You then enter details of your non-winning scratch-offs to qualify.

Here is how it works.

There many states that offer second chances in the lottery. As a result, they also have different types of second chances. They also have different procedures for applying and winning. This makes it important to really understand what you should do to benefit from the second chance lotteries.

Let’s look at where you are required to enter the numbers on your non-winning lottery tickets to get yourself into another draw.

  • Visit your state’s lottery website. Many states have a website for their lottery games. You will find so much information here about everything you need to know on second chances.
  • Create an online account on the website. You should remember that this is not like other lottery games where you just buy your ticket and you are good. Creating an account is very important as it gives you access to many things. One of them is that you are able to access so much information about the game, and other updates.

When you have created an online account you are also able to receive updates from the states on the codes you submitted.

  • Fill in the second chance form. You will find a form where you are supposed to fill in your numbers from the non-winning ticket. This is important if you want to get that second chance.
  • When you are filling in your details and getting a second chance for another draw it is important to be keen on the dates and time. This is because you do not want to get into a draw whose game is already passed. All these games and promotions have a specific time when they should start and close hence worth noting.

When you are going for the second chance draws you have to be very careful with what you do. This is because you need to qualify for that draw. This all depends on you when you are applying. It is, therefore, necessary to make sure that you enter all the codes in the right manner. When you fail to fill in the details of the codes correctly when you will lose the second chance.


People spend their money with hopes of changing their lives by winning big on lotto. As a result, it is a game that involves a lot of money. This makes it have many scammers. In the second chance category, there are many of this. You have to be careful to make sure that you do not fall prey to anyone. Make sure you are very careful about what you do. When creating account make sure it is the right website to avoid scammers.

We hope you enjoyed our article. You may also like to read or article titled What to Do with non-winning Lottery Tickets in Nebraska.