What to do with lottery money?

One thing most of us have in common is the dream to strike it rich after winning the lottery. If you are like I am, you spend hours fantasizing about how your life would change after winning the lottery and attaining instant millionaire status overnight! But What to do with lottery money? What would you do with your millions of dollars? Well, you have come to the right place for some inspiration. I have spent enough time dreaming about this to know exactly how to spend the millions from a lottery win. And they are:

Build a New Water Park

Who doesn’t love a water park! This project should be among the top things on the list of anyone who has won the lottery. There is no greater honour or joy than that which comes from bringing happiness to other people, and a water park is guaranteed to do this.

Buy a new Home and Matching Island

Why not? You can afford it! Striking the jackpot on a lottery can set you up well enough to be among the few people rich enough to afford your very own fun-sized little island. And best of all, you can customize it to suit your every need. No need to hold back here, go all out!

Customized Gold Clubs

Nothing says millionaire like your very own set of customized gold golf clubs. You could have them in white gold and encrusted with diamonds and other precious stones just for fun. With a set of these, you are sure to be the talk of the course. No guarantees they will improve your wing though, but hey, when your clubs are that decked out does it matter?

Get Your Dream Car

You can finally be able to afford your dream car. As a matter of fact, you can be able to get them all! Imagine a fleet of your collectable cars. Honestly, this is why the lottery was created in the first place. So that the little kids in us all can get a chance at living out their wildest dreams. Like owning a car from every significant manufacturer, there is!

 Your Very Own Race Track

With all these cars you now own the only reasonable thing to do is to get a race track of your own. You couldn’t be bothered with other motorists on the road. Or having to pay speeding tickets when you want to test out your fancy new sports cars. And this will earn you the ultimate street cred with all your family and friends. They are sure to love taking a little turn round your track.

Take Your Dream vacation                                                                                                      

The best part of winning the lottery is finally being able to quit that job you hate and taking your dream vacation. Pull out your world map and start checking off destinations you have always wanted to visit. And that bucket list? Time to start crossing things off it, maybe even adding a few more just the heck of it.

Travel to Space

We had all dreamt of being an astronaut at some point when we were young. Perhaps some of us still do. Well, you might finally be able to live out your dream and visit space. For only $250,000 you can secure yourself a seat on billionaire Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic spaceship. Hey, maybe even bring along your significant other and make a day of it.

Be The Fan to beat all Fans

We all have that one movie, or book, or show that we are obsessed with. Winning the lottery might be your chance to live out your dream and bring that fantasy world into reality. Can you imagine a real-life true to size Hogwarts replica brought to life! Or Better yet, how about the reproduction of The Red Keep or Winterfell! The possibilities are endless.

Pay Off All Your Debt

Call up all your debtors pay them all you owe. Chop that money! For those of you drowning in student debt or credit card debt, perhaps even medical debt, can you imagine the relief of paying off all that debt in one sweep? You can also help out with some of your closest and dearest, you know, just because you can.

Throw the Party of the Century

Maybe it’s time we brought back the parties from the roaring ‘20s, Great Gatsby style. With all that lottery money you could throw the party of the century. Bigger than the Met! With all walks of people in attendance. You would be the talk of the world and an inspiration to lottery enthusiast across the globe.

Get Your Own Sports Team

There is nothing as frustrating as supporting a team with poor management. Maybe it was time you fixed that once and for all. You could buy your favourite sports team and overhaul the team’s management. Or better still, start a new team of your own, even name it after yourself, or something fun, because you can!

Get a Private Jet

This is one of the things in the top of a lot of peoples’ wish list. And with good cause. Having to never deal with airport security ever again! The fact that you get to criss-cross the globe checking out all the exotic places you have ever dreamed of visiting and bringing along anyone you want is just a bonus.

Get a Yacht

The only thing better than a private plane is a yacht. And it is the ultimate symbol of opulence and wealth. Since you fit the description, might as well get the accessories to match. Living the yacht life is reserved for only the top cream of the rich and wealthy. Sailing around the world with no care in the world visiting the most exotic locations and only enjoying the best that life has to offer. If this is not the ultimate dream, then I don’t know what is!

Start a Charity

With so much money, you have the power actually to effect some real change in the world. And there is no shortage of charitable causes to support. There are countless opportunities available to you to donate to and give back to the world. It never hurts generating some good will good karma, if you believe in that sort of thing. Also, when you have so much, there’s so much joy that comes from giving to a cause that you means something to you.

These are only a few possible options to consider when it comes to spending your lottery winnings. The possibilities are endless. With millions perhaps even billions of dollars at your disposal, there’s little you cannot do. Let your imagination run free and remember to have as much fun as you can along the way.

But before spending your lottery money, you have to win it first. Get yourself a lottery card and see if today will be the day you strike it rich. Happy playing!