How to play games and win prizes at a party?

When it comes to party games there is so much fun if you are willing to participate. In many parties, you will find games that involve multiple players and in the end, there are prizes to be won. You might be interested in playing games at a party but do not understand how to play them and win prizes.

Playing party games is not 100% all about prizes. The truth is that if you focus entirely on winning some prizes you may miss a lot on the games. There are several things to consider or take care of to be able to play, enjoy and win prizes in party games.

Things to help you play party games and win

These are some of the most important things that will not only give you joy and a good time at a party but will also help you win prizes.

Choose your game wisely

In many cases, you will find out that there is more than one game at a party. This is your chance to choose which game to play wisely for both your enjoyment and better chances to win. Go for a game that you are better off. This makes it easy to win.

Consider playing with your friends

In many cases, you will go to a party with your friends. This is where you get creative. In some parties, you will find strangers also playing games. In such circumstances, you have to worry about how good are the strangers in gaming. The truth is that they may be way better than you irrespective of you being good in that good. However, choosing to play with your friends that you know how good they are in gaming gives you an advantage since you know how they play and how good they are in that particular game.

Focus on enjoying the game

This is one very important part of party games. Party games in most cases are not serious. These are games that are mostly meant to help people have as much fun as possible. In this case, taking them so seriously and being focused completely on winning can be a bad move. Another reason is the fact that in most cases they are kids’ games which require a lot of simplicity. In the process of enjoying you will win.

Fun Games for Parties

There are many games to play in a party that can also involve prizes for the winners. This list contains the simplest ones. Here are the top 8 simplest party games.

  • Hide and Seek

This can be really fun especially when you have a big area for hosting a party. In this case, a good example is hiding items that really represent the purpose of the party. You can provide prizes for whoever find the item.

  • Pong Tac Toe

Use of ping pong balls in a party game is so much fun and gives a chance to anyone to participate. You can choose to use a tray or something through the balls to. This means that people have to try as much as possible to accurately through the ping pong ball in the right place.

  • Nutstacker

Nutstacker is a game that makes use of nuts when playing. During this game, you place a hex nut on a table. With one flat side of the nut, make it stable. From there, players will try and pile the nuts over each other as much as possible. Whoever manages to stick as many nuts on each other as possible wins the game.

  • Play Cards

Card games can easily be modified to work very well for a prize-winning party game. There are many ways you can design the game to make wins. One of the ways is by allowing the plays to blindly choose cards. The prize to be won should be assigned to a certain number or character in the card. Whoever manages to get that match wins. The match can also involve more than one card for a match to win.

  • Scoop it up

This is one of the best games for kids but can also be played by adults. When playing this game, you use ping pong balls and bowls. The game involves scooping the balls from one bowl using a spoon and transferring them to another one. To make the game competitive for prizes there is a time limit to transfer a certain number of ping pong balls.

  • Best Joke

Well, this can be very fun especially for adults. It is a game that involves people cracking jokes. The person who cracks the best joke wins the prizes. When playing this game other people in the game will decide the winner depending on which joke they think is the best. It is a game that makes the part interesting since it is full of laughter.

  • Cup Moving Up

Cup stacking is a game that involves timing. It made to test your speed and accuracy. This is where you are given 30 or 40 cups stack on each other for example. One-colour of cups, for example, red, stack on each other and at the bottom a cap with a different colour, for example, white or blue.

The main task is to start by removing the top cup and stacking at the bottom. Then you have to do this continuously until you get the bottom cup with a different colour at the bottom again. When playing this game, whoever makes to finish fast enough gets to win.

  • Cup Stack attack

Cup Stack attack is a common game, especially for kids. The game involves stacking a pile of cups over each other in a single pyramid structure. The challenge is to who will be able to stack them as fast as possible. Use of many groups of cups is effective where there are many players in the party. It is a game that can also be played by adults.


The whole idea on how to win prizes at party games is to have fun and keep people enjoying the party. When you are hosting a party especially in house party, consider hosting a party. Make sure prizes are as simple as possible. Also, ensure you have many prizes for many people to get.